I have been reading blogs for a few years now and often wondered why people wrote them. Why put yourself out for others to see? I guess I've caught the bug. Mostly, I'd like to have a written keepsake of my children's lives. I have five-yes five. That is often asked in disbelief, which I find surprising because where I live there are so many families with five children. My last two are twins-there are also many sets of twins where I live.
Although I still get the disbelief when people learn how many children I have, and their ages (they are 9, 7, 4 & 2), in the beginning it was worse. When the twins were born my oldest three were 6, 4 and 21 mo. The comments were so much so that I was often shocked by what people would say-"are they ALL yours?", "do you have a daycare?", "I'd have to kill myself if I had that many kids!" In the beginning I would answer politely and try to explain that I had wanted four, but the last two were twins. I didn't have much control over that. Then I became angry (and tired of trying to explain my beautiful twins as if there was something wrong with them) and started answering back "yes they are all mine and I'm very blessed". My favorite response was to the last comment-"good thing you don't have this many kids!"
My Christmas card the year the twins were born had "It's a Wonderful Life" written on it. I actually had a friend call to say her husband asked if I was joking. I wasn't. My days are crazy, often out of control, but it is getting easier and they are so much fun. In this blog I'd like to track the fun times AND the crazy, out of control times-because everyone has them. I am happy to say I have more of the former, though! It truly is a Wonderful Life!