Monday, August 9, 2010

Cupcakes, Cupcakes and More Delicious Cupcakes!

I was in Plymouth Harbor tonight with a friend and co-worker skoping out houses for a client. As we were driving around the Harbor, whenever we would come down the main road along the water, she would point out Cupcake Charlie's and tell me how delicious the cupcakes are (I wish I could figure out how to insert a link because the pictures actually look as good as the cupcakes themselves). She raved about the frosting, about the filling inside them and the cupcakes themselves. After about the10th drive by, and near the end of our search, I asked her if we should go. Well...more like asked if we could go. I have to admit~she had me curious.

Now, even though I am doing Weight Watchers, I caved the minute I walked in. I could see what she was talking about. They had cupcake flavors I had never heard of, some with filling, some not~but all beautiful to the eye and hard to resist. The frosting was the most delicious, creamy, not too sweet buttercream frosting I had ever tasted. I ordered a Lemon Drop for myself and got 1/2 dozen to bring home to my hubby and brood. I oohed an aaahed with every bite and the others did the same. Only one flavor was not a HUGE hit, but it still got eaten.

If you're ever in the MA area or are from MA~I suggest a trip to Cupcake Charlie's! Maybe some day I'll figure out how to attach a link to this thing so you can see for yourself!

Off to dream about more cupcakes! I can't wait to head back!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Weight

As the two of you who read my blog now, I have five kids and the last two are twins. They are three. For the past three years I have said when discussing weight that I have not lost my baby weight. I'm not sure this is entirely true at this point. After three years, when the babies are no longer babies, does it truly count as baby weight? I have to stop fooling myself and admit that it is not in fact babyweight, but I don't take care of myself, I eat poorly and don't exercise weight. When it comes right down to it~I'm fat. My kids even tell me I'm fat. In fairness to them, they hear it from me all the time, so they are not truly being mean. They are actually concerned. They ask me not to eat certain foods that they know are unhealthy~Mountain Dew for instance (yes, at 41 years of age I am addicted to Mountain Dew). It needs to stop. I know it needs to stop. It's a clutch. I need the caffeine (I don't drink coffee), I like the taste and when the kids were younger it was my excuse to get out of the house~to buy a Mountain Dew. I would actually load all of them up into the car and go to the Dunkin Donuts drive through and buy just a Mountain Dew.

I have promised for three years that I will stop. I know I would probably drop 10 of the 35 lbs. I need to lose alone by just not drinking it. It's a matter of mind over matter. Of having will power. I am weak.

I got a wake up call this past weekend while getting a pedicure. I was sitting at the salon with my feet up on the foot rest and my stomach bunched up as a result. The girl doing my pedicure gave me a big smile and asked "are you pregnant"? I tried to laugh it off and told her that I've been lazy losing my "baby weight". Poor thing back tracked and tried to explain why she asked. Fact is, she asked because I looked it sitting there all bunched up. There's no place for the fat to go when I sit.

I'm starting tomorrow. For those who may be interested, I will post progress reports. I plan on doing Weight Watchers, which I have found in the past when losing small amounts of weight after my other children were born, was the best way to lose it. It just makes sense. Eat ALMOST anything you want (Mountain Dew excluded) in reasonable portions. It makes you think about what you're putting in your mouth in the realm of the real world.

I'll see how it goes...