Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Missing Papa

Today I went to Humarock to drop off some towels. I have been dreading going there since my father died. I did go a few days after he passed to see the neighbors and get sand from the beach to put in his coffin. Since I have been dreading it and have really thought I would put it off until next season.

Today I had to go to Scituate Harbor and decided to continue on to Humarock to drop the towels. It was as hard as I thought it would be. Half way there I started crying and got worse the closer I got. Even though he would not be there now anyway, and I do this trip many times over the winter to drop "beach" stuff off at the house for next season, knowing he would not be there again hit me like a ton of bricks on my drive over.

On the way back we passed the chapel we go to for church when we are staying there. Brendan commented that we went to that church last summer. I told him we would go again next summer. He asked if we would be going back to Humarock. I told him we would because Papa would want us to. Then Audrey chimed in and commented that she "wanted Papa to go with us next year". Don't we all. :(

Friday, November 25, 2011


While watching all the Black Friday commercials last night...
Me: "Brendan, what do you want for Christmas?"
Him: "Everything."